Irdeto Akash DTH Channel 9 FTA Frequency Bangabandhu 1 | Position 119.1°E

Channel 9 FTA Frequency Bangabandhu 1 | Position 119.1°E Irdeto Akash DTH Channel 9 FTA Frequency Bangabandhu 1 | Position 119.1°E Satellite: Bangabandhu 1. | Position: 119.1°.    Channel Channel 9 Satellite Bangabandhu 1 | Position 119.1°E Transponder  10845 V 30000 LNB KU Band Frequency 10845 POL V FEC 30000 Video MPEG-4 System DVB-S2 Encryption…

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MARCIL TV EthioSat / NSS 12 57o E Frequency

MARCIL TV EthioSat / NSS 12 57o E Frequency Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57o EFrequency: 11165Polarization: HORIZONTALSymbol Rate: 45000 MARCIL TV Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57o EFrequency: 11165Polarization: HORIZONTALSymbol Rate: 45000 Channel Name Frequency Symbol Rate BFBS 3776 11670 Sky Sports Main Event UK 3776 11670 BT Sport 1 3776 11670 BFBS Sport…

Rascom QAF 1R at 2.8°E Position KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels Europe

Rascom QAF 1R at 2.8°E Position KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels Rascom QAF 1R at 2.8°E Satellite Europe. Satellite Frequency SR FEC Encryption Channel Name Rascom QAF 2.8°E 1R 3970 R 2741 3/4 FTA (free to air) Afrique Média Rascom QAF 2.8°E 1R 3985 R 13555 5/6 FTA (free to air) B-One TV Rascom…

Eutelsat 16A at 16.0°E Position KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels

Eutelsat 16A at 16.0°E Position KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels   Eutelsat 7A 2004-008A 7°E Europe, Middle East, Africa 16 March 2004 Formerly named Eutelsat W3A until March 2012 Channel Name Transvision Frequency 12560 Polarity H Symbol Rate 10000 FEC 3/5 Der Satellit hatte ursprünglich die Bezeichnung Eutelsat W3C. Er wurde am 7. Oktober…