Russian Bouquet (11 CH) Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 at 36.0°E

Russian Bouquet (11 CH) Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 at 36.0°E new frequency : 12710 Н 15670 Russian Bouquet (11 CH) @36.0ESatellite: Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 at 36.0°Efrequency : 12563,232– Pol: Horizontal– SR: 15670,301– Mod: 8PSK– FEC: 2/3– Std: DVB-S2 PAT Version Number: 15Transport Stream ID: 246 (0x00f6)PMT PID 301 (0x012d) – Program 301…

WESAL TV Latest Frequency On NileSat-201 @7 .0°W

WESAL TV Latest Frequency On NileSat-201 @7 .0°W Wesal TV is a Saudi-based Sunni Islamic instructive station telecom company. The creation of this channel depends on the lessons of Quran-o-Sunnah. A group of Islamic researchers screens the material introduced on its projects. Each program of Wesal Urdu TV is reviewed by real references of Quran-o-Hadees….