Btv National Biss Key & Frequency 2023

Btv National Biss Key & Frequency 2021

SATELLITE Bangabandhu  119E
Channel BTV National
Language Bengali
Transponder 11725 v 17500
Frequency 11725
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 17500
FEC 3/4
Quality/Format DVB-S
SID ________________
Encryption 3251 DC5F 1964 AB28

Needs to be prepared before the tide the content of the code biss key, you have to set a satellite dish connected to the satellite asiasat 7 himself in position 105.5e (3690 H 11394).
Transponder : 10775 H 27500
Frequency nat geo farsi: 10775
Symbolrate nat geo farsi : 27500
Pol : H
Mode : Mpeg2- FTA

Needs to be prepared before the tide the content of the code biss key , you have to set a satellite dish is connected to the satellite asiasat 7 himself in position 105.5e (3690 H 11394).
Transponder : 10775 H 27500
Frequency nat geo Farsi: 10775
Symbolrate nat geo farsi : 27500
Pol: H
Mode : Mpeg2- FTA
Satellite : Asiasat 7 at 105.5E
Channel Name: BTV National
Transponder : 3690 H 11394
Frequency: 3690
Pol: H
Symbol rate: 11394
SID :000B
Quality : Mpeg2

BTV Biss Key :3251 DC5F 1964 AB28

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