Btv National Latest Biss key & Frequency Bangabandhu 1 119.1°E

Btv National Latest Biss key & Frequency Bangabandhu 1 119.1°E

BTV National is a satellite television channel in Bangladesh. It is owned by the state-run Bangladesh Television (BTV). The channel broadcasts news, entertainment, sports, and other programs from Bangladesh and around the world. It is available on the Bangabandhu 1  at 119.1°E.

Satellite Bhangabandhu-1 @119.0E
Frequency: 4640 H 17500 (C)
Frequency: 4720 H 30000
Biss: 3251 DC5F 1964 AB28


Satellite Bhangabandhu-1 @119.0E
Frequency: 11725 V 17500 (Ku)
3251 DC5F 1964 AB28

ChannelBTV National
SatelliteBangabandhu 1 119.1°E
Symbol Rate27500 2/3
Biss3251 DC5F 1964 AB28
PackagesAkash DTH
GroupBangladesh TV
VideoMPEG-4 SD


AsiaSat-5 @100.5E
3904 V 7200
1920×1080 | 15Mb/Sec | 4:2:0
ID: Feed-01
DCW: 3251 DC5F 1964 AB28

Btv NationalFta C band Lnb

BTV National FTA C-band LNB is an abbreviation that may refer to a satellite dish antenna used for receiving BTV National, a television channel in Bangladesh, through the free-to-air (FTA) frequency band known as C-band. LNB stands for low-noise block converter, a component of a satellite dish that converts the high-frequency signal received from the satellite into a lower frequency that can be processed by a satellite receiver.

Channel Name BTV National
Satellite Name Bangabandhu 1 119.1°E
Frequency 4640 H
Symbol Rate17500
GroupBangladesh TV



To add a BISS key to a Btv National Ku Band LNB, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the BISS key input option on your receiver’s menu. This may be under a section labelled “Encryption” or “Security.”
  2. Enter the BISS key provided by your satellite provider or channel. The key will typically consist of 16 digits and may include numbers and letters.
  3. Save the BISS key and exit the menu. The receiver should now be able to decrypt the encrypted channels.
  4. Tune to the desired channel and verify that it is now receiving a signal. If not, check the BISS key for accuracy and try again.

Note: Some Btv National Ku Band LNBs may require a different process for adding a BISS key. Refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.