CH341A Programmer Software & Info

Date Version Tools
31-10-2021 Ch341a V2.2.0.10
31-10-2021 Neo Programmer V2.2.0.10
07-08-2021 V1.43
22-06-2021 V2.2.0.8
08-04-2021 V2.2.0.7
18-03-2021 V
16-01-2021 V
10-01-2021 V
10-01-2021 V
02-12-2020 V

CH341A programmer software 2022

CH341a programmer download software 2022. The original version is from Skygz who has a store on Taobao, but the version you buy from stores like AliExpress or Ebay will definitely be a clone of this early model. Compatible with various adapters like the handy Sop8 or sop16 tweezers with an alligator clamp to do the job without removing components from the board. You can also use Zif SMD sop8 Dip8 adapters.

CH341A USB Mini Programmer Latest Software


CH341A Programmer Software & Info

Ch341A Programmer Price:

The software will be in version 1.13 which has English as the language, but it may have incompatibility with some chips, especially high-capacity memory. However, the Russian Kovzhun Mikhail has made an alternative version of the CH341A programmer software. Adding the capability to automatically detect the following chips:


  • I2c EEPROM series 24
  • spi flash 25 series
  • Spi EEPROM 25/95 series
  • Microwire EEPROM 93 series
  • Spi Avr atmega microcontrollers

These memories are used in numerous board of electronic equipment, where the operating software of the equipment or configuration information is recorded for correct operation, and for some reason an error may occur in this software and compromise the entire system operation.

Features Of The Eprom Programmer

  • USB 1.1 for high speed recording
  • Uses USB port, can be used on PCs or Notebooks.
  • No external power required
  • Supports a wide variety of chips: including the most used 25 FLASH SPI series and 24xx series
  • Software for Windows in English, complete and easy to use
  • Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10 32 and 64 bits.
  • Compact size
  • ZIF connector for easy chip insertion and contact
  • Included DIP8 SOP8 adapter
  • Possibility to use adapters for SMD components.
  • Can be used to update Bios of motherboards, notebooks, satellite receivers, DVDs, TVs, etc. Provided that the memory is listed.

Ch341a datasheet PDF

ch341a Manual

Ch341a Schematic




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