New Frequency Channel Baby TV Europe On Satllite Al Yah 1 52.5°E

Here is the frequency, system, Symbol Rate, FEC, group, type and other details for the channel Baby TV Europe in satellite Al Yah 1 52.5°E..

BabyTV is a multilingual international television channel for babies and toddlers under the age of 3 and their parents, owned by Fox Networks Group, a subsidiary of the International Operations division of The Walt Disney Company. Launched in 2005, BabyTV is distributed in over 100 countries, broadcasting in 18 languages (as of 2013). The channel does not broadcast television commercials. In the United States, the channel is distributed by Walt Disney Television, alongside Fox Life


Channel                              Baby TV Europe

Satellite                              Al Yah 1 52.5°E

Frequency                          12169 H

System                                DVB-S2/8PSK

Symbol Rate                         27500

FEC                                       5/6

Group                                      —-

Type                                        $