OMN TV oduu On YahSat-1A at 52.5E Frequency Biss key

OMN TV On YahSat-1A at 52.5E Frequency Biss key

Satellite : YahSat-1A at 52.5E

TP: 11938 H 27500

MPEG4/HD/FTA Started

Oromia Media Network

Channel Name OBN TV
Satellite Name ahSat-1A at 52.5E
Frequency 11938 H
System DVB-S2/QPSK
Symbol Rate 27500
FEC 3/4
Group OMN TV
Type FTA

Jawar Mohammed laid out the OMN following a development which he called “Oromo first”. The “Oromo first” development later developed into a political mission, raising assets to lay out the satellite TV station, sent off 2013, alongside Facebook and Twitter accounts utilizing the brand Oromia Media Network (OMN)  During the send off, Jawar Mohammed was named as an Executive Director.

OMN was initiated on 1 March 2014 Jawar in his debut discourse said “We’ve currently freed the wireless transmissions of Oromia. We will free the land before very long.” On 1 January 2020, Jawar quit the OMN’s TV slot work and has since been supplanted by Girma Gutama.

OMN developed to turn into a persuasive voice of the young, known as Qeerroo, a name which was made in 1990s the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)  OMN and ESAT were both designated by the Ethiopian government which utilized Spywares to target columnists working for the stations.

The OMN is one of the news sources which broadcast to Ethiopian crowds from abroad, alongside the ESAT. After the drop of charges against the OMN and its leader chief on 29 May 2018, the introduction of the Addis Ababa office was held within the sight of Oromia Regional State Chief Administrator Lemma Megersa at the Millennium Hall on 5 July 2018. Lemma in his debut discourse said “OMN plays had a major impact in getting substantial change the territorial state.

In June 2020, following the demise of Hachalu Hundessa, Hachalu Hundessa riots reignited Oromo fights. Jawar Mohammed was then captured on 30 June 2020, in Addis Ababa.  OMN’s nearby office was struck by government security specialists and kept a few journalists. Hachalu gave a meeting to the Oromia Media Network (OMN), which had ignited shock via virtual entertainment, seven days before his murder. The meeting was circulated with live stream on Facebook, which crested 24 thousands watchers.


Satellite : YahSat-1A at 52.5E


  • TP: 11766 V 27500

AD Sport 1

  • TP: 11938 H/V 27500


  • MOVIE 24



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