SHAANDAAR CINEMA IntelSat-17 @66.0E FTA Started
IntelSat-17 @66.0E
FREQ: 3930 H 18330
MPEG4/HD/FTA Started
SHAANDAAR CINEMA IntelSat-17 @66.0E FTA Started
IntelSat-17 @66.0E
FREQ: 3930 H 18330
MPEG4/HD/FTA Started
SHAANDAAR CINEMA IntelSat-17 @66.0E FTA Started
Channel 9 New Biss Key Frequency Apstar 7 at 76.5°E Channel 9 New Biss Key. It broadcasted la Liga and BPL which made it popular. Channel Name : Channel 9 Bangladesh Satellite Apstar 7 at 76.5°E Transponder : 3794 H 4444 Frequency : 3794 SR-FEC 4443 Pol : H Mode : Mpeg-4 V.PID :…
MS Diamond-Z1 V3.5.7 2019 6 25 Add.on Cccam cline IPTV oppllo Model mediastar File Zip application File Size: 4.08 MB Created Date: Last Updated Date: File Name: MS-Diamond Version V3.5.7 Site Upload Link Software MediaStar MS Diamond-Z1 V3.5.7 2019 6 25
hamiltan tv frequency on ethiosat System is DVB-S, and FEC is 7/8. Nilesat 201 and Eutelsat 7.0°W satellites. Here are the specific technical parameters: Channel: Hamiltan TV Satellite: Nilesat 201 | Eutelsat 7.0°W Frequency: 11552 V System: DVB-S Symbol Rate: 27500 FEC: 7/8 Group: Gulfsat Type: FTA
SCTV Work Frequency Update On Telkom 4@108°E Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) is an Indonesian allowed to-air broadcasting company. It was sent off on 24 August 1990 in Surabaya, East Java as Surabaya Central Televisi, broadcasting to the city and its encompassing region. Right away, the writing computer programs was like that of RCTI, broadcasting unfamiliar…
Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57o EFrequency: 11545Polarization: VerticalSymbol Rate: 30000 EBS TV channel Frequency EthioSat / NSS 12 57o E Channel Name Frequency Polarity Symbol Rate Freq EBS TV 11554 V 27500 7/8 EBS TV channel Frequency Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57o EFrequency: 11545Polarization: VerticalSymbol Rate: 30000 Channel NameFrequencyPolaritySymbol Rate
Walta TV EthioSat / NSS 12 57o E Frequency Walta TV Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57o EFrequency: 11545Polarization: VerticalSymbol Rate: 30000 walta tv ዋልታ ቲቪ,walta tv documentary,walta tv live youtube,walta tv news today 2020,walta tv today program,walta tv address,walta tv interview yesterday,walta tv documentary yesterday,