
Starsat SR-8800HD HYPER V2.54(20992)

Starsat SR-8800HD_HYPER V2.54(20992)  Firmwares Add.on Cccam cline IPTV MGcam Gshar Biss , PowerVU Conax

Model  Starsat SR-8800HD_HYPER V2.54
File Zip application
File Size: 4.08 MB
Created Date:  SR-8800HD_HYPER V2.54
File Name: add
Version V2.54
Site Upload Link Software


1. Connect pc and box with rs232.
2. Open Ali_bootloader_update_new.exe pc tool, select the right com port,and select right file to update(should use upgrade file)
3. Press “Start” on Ali_bootloader_update_new.exe pc tool.
4. Power on the box, it will auto download sw and try to burn to flash
5. After it finish the upgrade, power off and power on box.

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