Gx6605s Hw203.00.001 With Green Theme

Gx6605s Hw203.00.001 With Green Theme Previously, the Receivers Option had also made a post about the GX6605s Starsat software, namely for the CA GX6005S F1 F2 model and the Hw203.00.001. This time, the Receive Option will collect  gx6605s using the U38 user interface, usually using U26 UI like CA and Pro models. GX 6605s firmware … Read more

GX6605S 5815 V4.1 AUTO ROLL Software

GX6605S 5815 V4.1 AUTO ROLL Software File Name GX6605S 5815 V4.1 SW Version V4.1 Language: English File Format rar File Size 4.3 Software Date 19-08-2021 FIRST FILE GX6605S 5815 V4.1.bin        DOWNLOAD

Ghost Red 1506tv Built In Wifi 512 Finder & Ecast

Ghost Red 1506tv Built In Wifi 512 Finder & Ecast MODEL NAME: Ghost Red 1506tv MENU: V H/W VERSION: FFFFFF S/W VERSION: 1506tv FLASH: 4MB RAM: 512 Software Download NETWORK OPTIONS: WIFI WIFI CHIPSTET: RT5370