New Frequency channel Al-Zahra TV On Satllite Al Yah 1 52.5°E

Here is the frequency, system, Symbol Rate, FEC, group, type and other details for the channel Al-Zahra TV in satellite Al Yah 1 52.5°E Al-Zahra (Arabic: الزهراء‎) is a Palestinian municipality in the Gaza Governorate, south of Gaza, in the central Gaza Strip. It’s the home of the University of Palestine, and Ummah Open University. … Read more

New Frequency Channel Baby TV Europe On Satllite Al Yah 1 52.5°E

Here is the frequency, system, Symbol Rate, FEC, group, type and other details for the channel Baby TV Europe in satellite Al Yah 1 52.5°E.. BabyTV is a multilingual international television channel for babies and toddlers under the age of 3 and their parents, owned by Fox Networks Group, a subsidiary of the International Operations … Read more