Telstar 14R at 63.0°W KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels

Telstar 14R at 63.0°W at 63.0°W KU Band LNB Frequency and Channels

Telstar 14R, also known as Estrela do Sul 2 (Southern Star 2) is a commercial communications satellite in the Telstar series built by Space Systems/Loral for Telesat to provide Ku-band communications to South America and the Southern United States. It is a replacement for Telstar 14, whose north solar array failed to open after launch, limiting its mission effectiveness. Telstar 14R experienced the same problem, with its north solar array failing to open too, but is now in service despite that failur.

CETI Educaçao à DistânciaTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11850 V
CETI Rio Grande do SulTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11850 V
ChilevisiónTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11600 V
ChilevisiónTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11640 V
CPC SAT 1Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11706 V
CPC SAT 2Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11706 V
RTP Internacional AméricaTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11710 V
TeletrakTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11640 V
TV Assembléia Rio Grande do NorteTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11888 V
TV GoiâniaTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11726 V
TV ParanaibaTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11722 V
TV Ponta NegraTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11736 V
TV SenadoTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11640 V
TV União NatalTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11905 V
TVCEITelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11732 V
UCV TVTelstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)11600 V
Unisa 1Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 2Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 3Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 4Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 5Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 6Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H
Unisa 7Telstar 14R at 63.0°W(Ku band)12162 H