Zee Alwan Frequency Nilesat

Zee Alwan Frequency Nilesat

Channel Name Zee Alwan
Satellite Name Nilesat 201 | Eutelsat 7.0°W
Frequency 11276
System DVB-S2/QPSK
Symbol Rate 27499
FEC 2/3
Type Free To Air

To tune in to Zee Alwan on your satellite receiver, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu on your receiver.
  2. Select “Channel Setup” or “Scan”.
  3. Select “Auto Scan” or “Scan for New Channels”.
  4. Enter the frequency of Zee Alwan (11277 V).
  5. Select the “DVB-S2/QPSK” system and the “2/3” FEC.
  6. Start the scan.


Zee Alwan Nilesat 201 |  Frequency Eutelsat 7.0°W

  1. The new frequency is 11939.
  2. The polarization of the channel is horizontal.
  3. encoding rate 27500.
  4. error correction factor of 3/4.
  5. SD quality.

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